many of my friends and family suggested to share my hammond restoration attempt. i think if you want to read this, you know already a lot about hammonds and you are as crazy as me or even more... so i do not write about the hammonds in general. some links for the newbies: Hammond faq, home page of Captain Foldback, age determination list
Bottom line: I would not start it again :-)
So, I live in Hungary and I bought a Hammond A100 from England via ebay. I bought it last year, mid of october, 2011. 3 pictures, description said: a hammond organ which has been started to be chopped, but all parts are available.
reality: the organ has parts dating between X and Y, where X<1960 and Y>=1974. Basically, i am able to cover almost all production year of the big hammond consoles within one organ... so it is not a genuine organ, but a collection of different parts. all were there, except some important ones: starter motor, preset matrix, wiring loom to the keyboards, 70% of the tubes, expression pedal. good deal? not really
but it was not an option to send it back (transport GB-HU of such a heavy stuff is not that cheap, if you do it twice, you payed half of the price of the organ...)
anyhow, some pictures to show the progress:
The organ in 12/2011, right after starting to disassemble |
notice the necklace reverb. it dates the reverb and possibly the woodwork to 1959/60. the only part which is 234V/50Hz...
drawbars |
Tone generator bottom view |
So, after removing the keyboards, i realized that the terminal strip of the keyboards are broken. this means that the internal tiny wires might have broken as well... in addition some wires coming out of the keyboard and going to the preset matrix were also cut right at the keyboards...
so, disassembly was necessary:
No problem... i had to check only 61x9 little resistance wire to figure out if there are some broken... (btw, per manual, so altogether 1098 wires...)
since the internal wires are insulated with textil, and the side cover of the keyboard is made of wood instead of plastic, the keyboard must come from a B3/C3 manufactured before 1960
after doing one keyboard, project slowed done somewhat... i got a start motor from ebay US, fixed one generator coil, so i have now all the 91 sounds, get a 230/110V transformer, a 50/60Hz converter...
Since mid of august, there is more significant progress...
but this is the next story
good night